The definitive way to build your Metaverse

Enabling Smart Virtual Experiences

The future of your workplace.

A few benefits of operating in

a high-fidelity virtual environment.

Our ultimate advanced features

  • Unique Worlds

  • Realistic 3D Products

  • Custom Avatars

  • Expresive Emojis

  • Live Conferencing

  • Spatial Experience

  • Virtual Connections

  • Interactivity

Full Costumization
& Engagement

Create your space for people to connect naturally from anywhere.

Our network

OE logo2020INC logo
OE logo

Physical is complex,
virtual is the future.

Schedule a Demo

Conectum helps you build better experiences


Your identity in the virtual world to be used in various metaverses and on all social platforms.
  • Design
  • Accessories
  • Development
  • Maintenance
  • Optimization
  • Property


Share, connect and socialize with fans, followers and customers around the world in real time.
  • Design
  • Development
  • Expansion
  • Optimization
  • Maintenance
  • Property


Your store for your fans, followers and customers to buy and sell virtual merchandise, products and services.
TBD%  Per
  • Configuration
  • Wallet
  • Blockchain
  • Maintenance
  • Property